Jun 7, 2010

Roles Reversed

Isn't it so funny how the tables have turned
Now you know how I felt and oh how it burns
To wonder, to feel it
to know something's wrong
that inkling, that intuition that keeps growing strong
I used to stay up all night crying
wondering what's wrong with me
those sleepness nights, you ain't come home
knowing you were out with she
you'd deny it, swear up and down
that could never be
But I knew what I felt
I know what I see
Now numb to the madness
It's rare that I care
Cause you had it made up in your head
that I would always be here
I stopped asking, stopped crying
knowing I could do better
And not once did you realize
that you weren't so clever

So I come and go freely
and you want to know where I be
Constantly asking me who is
running after me

what's that and who's that
And who's calling your phone
What You doin? Where you going?
Are you sure you at home?

Why you so focused on me now
You were so into doin you
when I was worrying and heartbroken
you never came to my rescue
And now you expect me to pamper your insecurities
Stroke your ego
when you ain't did s#*t for me?!?!


It's not gon happen
see Karma is a bitch
I sat and I waited and see
How the roles have switched
See how you up on me now
See how you sooo concerned
Well now you kow how I felt
And I hope that shit burns!!!

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